Connecticut League of Conservation Voters Endorses Norm Needleman

HARTFORD — In its first round of endorsements, the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters has chosen three Democratic Middlesex County legislative candidates for the Connecticut General Assembly.

State Rep. Matt Lesser, D-100th, is running for 9th District Senate in Middletown, currently occupied by Democratic state Sen. Paul Doyle. Mary Daugherty Abrams is running for Republican state Sen. Len Suzio’s seat in the 13th Senate (which includes Middletown and Middlefield), and Essex First Selectman Norm Needleman, is seeking to represent the 33rd District (Chester, Clinton, Colchester, Deep River, East Haddam, East Hampton, Essex, Haddam, Lyme, Old Saybrook, Portland and Westbrook), a spot now held by Republican Art Linares.

All were invited to complete CTLCV’s Survey on the Environment earlier this summer, according to a press release. Over 100 candidates responded, and the Endorsement Committee reviewed their answers and begun interviewing those who identified the environment as one of their top priorities. These endorsements represent the first of several rounds, the release said.

“Connecticut deserves lawmakers who will fight for renewable energy, clean air and water, and open space,” Lori Brown, CTLCV executive director, said in a prepared statement. “All of the candidates we endorsed today have either established themselves as true leaders in the legislators or made real commitments to be champions for the environment if elected.

Needleman has taken a strong stance about the importance of combatting climate change and investing in clean energy to grow the economy, the release said.

Read more at the Middletown Press.