This week marked a very important milestone: there are less than 100 days until the election.
I am heartened by the support I have received from residents all across the state’s 33rd senate district, and I am continually amazed by all our communities have to offer.
This past weekend, I had one of the best hamburgers I have ever tasted at the Colchester Farmer’s Market. When you could pull me away from the Lions Club food truck, I received a wealth of knowledge about the town’s schools, local government and businesses from important members of the community. From the garden club to leaders of the Land Trust, people have found ways to come together to support the greater good of their neighborhoods.
I had the privilege of knocking on doors in Essex and Portland. These towns represent the opposite ends of our senate district, however, residents are seeking the same goal: put people ahead of party. Conversations like these solidify my hope that together we will strengthen our communities and get our state back on track.
This coming weekend is the 33rd annual Essex Lobster Bake hosted by yet another coalition of engaged residents working to improve their neighborhoods, the Essex Lions Club. Funds raised at the event provide eye exams and glasses to those who cannot afford them, donations to food banks, disaster relief assistance, Christmas gifts to families in need and much more.
This is newsworthy. This is what those in our communities need to tune into. Now more than ever, we must focus on coalescing around the volunteer organizations in our towns, all of which improve the quality of life in our community.
Our campaign is focused. We are not allowing ourselves to be distracted by all of the surrounding noise. Moving forward we will continue to engage community members, elected officials, and other movers and shakers to find smart solutions to the most pressing issues facing our communities.