Working Together, Building Consensus

It has been a busy few weeks on the campaign trail.

I have knocked on doors in Westbrook, Portland, Haddam and East Haddam, enjoyed Farmers’ Markets in Chester, Colchester and Old Saybrook as well as live music performed by talented musicians in East Hampton, visited thriving businesses in Clinton, Lyme and Deep River, and continued to serve my constituents as the First Selectman of Essex.

In my interactions with community members from all walks of life, there is a recurring theme: regardless of political party affiliation, people recognize that this is a crucial election for our district. They have seen, firsthand, that political posturing and inaction in Hartford have exacted a steep price from the towns in our district.

There are no quick fixes to decades of shortsighted budget decisions, partisan leadership, and policies that have crippled the state’s economy. Solving those problems requires precisely what’s missing in Hartford: real-world economic development experience, management skills, persistence, and the ingenuity that leads to common sense solutions. I urge you to reach beyond party affiliation, and vote for meaningful change in Hartford.

It’s time to work together, build consensus, put people ahead of politics, and find smart solutions for our communities. That’s the attitude I will bring to the State Senate.